填寫範例講解 Examples page
Title ( 標題 )
Title should be a very small description of what you can do. Please do not put your company name. The Customers are looking for a type of company. If they already know the name, more than likely they will have your company information.
( 標題是對公司下一個簡短的定義,而非填上公司名稱。因為上網搜尋者是要找能提供他某種服務的公司,因為他還不知道到底有誰能夠提供他服務所以並不會直接輸入公司名去找尋。)
Ex : Gas Assist Injection Molding
( 馬路科技顧問股份有限公司 標題可以是 " 3D工程網路科技顧問 " )
Description ( 描述語 )
The description should be direct and straight to the point. Try not to list your products. If someone does a search for the names of your products, maybe they are not looking for a Mold company.
( 請直接指出貴公司所能提供的服務,並儘量不要把完成品全部列出來,因為搜尋者有可能在找尋貴公司某種服務但非是在找完成品。)
Ex : Gas Assist Injection Molding services from Bauer Plastics Technology Group. Nitrogen generation systems and Gas control systems.
( 馬路科技顧問股份有限公司提供網站架設,諮詢服務,網際網路,網頁設計,3D工程 - RP快速原型 及RE逆向工程之銷售顧問。)
Keywords ( 關鍵字 )
How would you do a search for the type of mold company you are ??? ( 和貴公司經營項目相關之關鍵字 )
Ex : Plastic, mold, mould, tooling, design, manufacturing ( 網路、ISP、設計、3D工程、快速原型、逆向工程 )
The above information was gotten from the #5 ranking site in the Lycos directory, for the keyword Injection.

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